Alertes en vigueur Cactus Springs, NV

Avis d'inondation
Émis à ven. 17:02 sept.. 20
Publié par : National Weather Service

* WHAT...Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues.* WHERE...A portion of southern Nevada, including the followingcounty, Clark.* WHEN...Until 715 PM PDT.* IMPACTS...Minor flooding in low-lying and poor drainage areas.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...- At 502 PM PDT, Doppler radar indicated another round of rainmoving into the same area which received heavy rain earlier.Minor flooding is ongoing or expected to begin shortly in theadvisory area.- Some locations that will experience flooding include...mainly rural areas of Northeastern Clark County, includingthe access road into Valley of Fire State Park- This includes the following highways...Interstate 15 in Nevada between mile markers 62 and 77.Highway 93 in Clark County near mile marker 53.-

Action Recommandée

Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flooddeaths occur in vehicles.

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